Universiti Teknologi MARA / 

MARA Technological Unversity (UiTM) 

Ts. Erny Arniza binti Ahmad, Puan Siti Suhaidah binti Sahab


Topic : Web Engineering

End-users : Students, lecturers & public

Types : Website, Video, PDF document file & MS PowerPoint slides.

Rationale : Provide iOER as supporting teaching & learning materials for those who are interested in understanding the concept and process of Web Application development.

Accessibility considerations : All the seven categories of people with disabilities as defined by the Malaysia Department of Social Welfare, as well as different types of learning styles. Structure, Support & Look & Feel for the development process.

Lesson learnt : Less is more and more impactful

Sharing idea : Knowledge sharing sessions, hands-on workshops, & awareness campaign.

Video link : https://youtu.be/PQiFyTulO0M

iOER link : https://tinyurl.com/ioerwebe 

Dr. Norhapizah Mohd Burhan, Prof Madya Ts. Dr. Roslinda Alias, Dr. Mahfuzah Mohammed Zabidi, Dr. Nor Hidayatun Abdul Razak, Dr. Syaimak Ismail 

Topic : Web Engineering

Topic: Philosophy and Current Issues

Type of iOER: PowerPoint embedded with TikTok videos, pdf notes, and an infographic.

The Rationale for developing content as iOER :



This course is a general study subject (MPU) in group U1 and a compulsory subject course. Fostering the appreciation of philosophy and values among students at the Institute of Higher Education, including disabled students since all students have the rights and potential.


Accessibility considerations : 


i) Described all pictures and diagrams via the alternative text function.

ii) To help blind or partially blind learners comprehend the related pictures and diagrams, the explanation in sentences is provided.

iii) There is enough contrast between text and background.

iv) The font chosen is simple and readable

v) Closed captioning for teaching videos is used for the benefit of the deaf, hard of hearing, and slow learners


Lessons learned from this project:

How will you share your iOER:


We will tell our colleagues about the valuable lessons learned while making the iOER materials. We will share the iOER materials via the Learning Management System (UFUTURE) in the university under the Open Educational Resources (OER) section. For the time being, the OER section is under maintenance and can be accessed soon. As for now, we used to share in google drive only.


URL Link to your iOER:
