Universiti Utara Malaysia / 

Northern University of Malaysia (UUM) 

Dr. Adyda Ibrahim

Topic: Inner Product Space, Linear Algebra

Type of iOER: PowerPoint notes

Rationale for developing content as iOER:

There are many good iOER resources on Inner Product Space already available at YouTube. However, when I was teaching this course during lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I discovered thee need for structured lecture notes for students with weak internet. Furthermore, to effectively learn mathematics subject, it is not enough to just watch an online class. Student must attempt to solve a mathematical problem by handwriting the solutions. Therefore, I have developed my lecture notes so that it is easily accessible in soft copy and hard copy.

Lessons learnt from this project:

In the future, I must be more thoughtful when developing teaching and learning materials. I also learned that there are many aspects that I must consider in making sure an educational resource is accessible.

Shared iOER:

My iOER will be shared at the new UUM MOOC website. However, currently, the website can only be reached from inside UUM. So for now, I will share my Google Drive link to my iOER PowerPoint: https://bit.ly/innerProductSpace-iOER2022 

Topic: Inner Product Space, Linear Algebra 

Type of iOER: PowerPoint notes

Rationale for developing content as iOER:

There are many good iOER resources on Inner Product Space already available at YouTube. However, when I was teaching this course during lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I discovered thee need for structured lecture notes for students with weak internet. Furthermore, to effectively learn mathematics subject, it is not enough to just watch an online class. Student must attempt to solve a mathematical problem by handwriting the solutions. Therefore, I have developed my lecture notes so that it is easily accessible in soft copy and hard copy.

Lessons learnt from this project:

In the future, I must be more thoughtful when developing teaching and learning materials. I also learned that there are many aspects that I must consider in making sure an educational resource is accessible.

Shared iOER:

My iOER will be shared at the new UUM MOOC website. However, currently, the website can only be reached from inside UUM. So for now, I will share my Google Drive link to my iOER PowerPoint: https://bit.ly/innerProductSpace-iOER2022 

Dr. Noradila Nordin


Programming Language


Type of iOER

Video with closed captions

Accessible PDF document (revised the PDF document, edited tagging)


Rationale for developing the content as iOER 

This video covers the introduction to the programming language that is developed with the main idea of allowing inclusiveness 


Accessibility Considerations

Closed captions and PDF accessibility through screen reader to cater to people with hearing disabilities and visual impairment


Lessons learned from this project

To provide learning materials that can be accessed by the public regardless of their ability or disability. However, the inclusiveness at this point is only concentrated on people with and without hearing disabilities.


Share iOER

Using the content developed as the initial step and conducting sharing sessions using these as the example in creating better iOER that caters to people.


Link to iOER


Topic: Programming Language

Type of iOER

Video with closed captions

Accessible PDF document (revised the PDF document, edited tagging)


Rationale for developing the content as iOER 

This video covers the introduction to the programming language that is developed with the main idea of allowing inclusiveness 


Accessibility Considerations

Closed captions and PDF accessibility through screen reader to cater to people with hearing disabilities and visual impairment


Lessons learned from this project

To provide learning materials that can be accessed by the public regardless of their ability or disability. However, the inclusiveness at this point is only concentrated on people with and without hearing disabilities.


Share iOER

Using the content developed as the initial step and conducting sharing sessions using these as the example in creating better iOER that caters to people.


Link to iOER
