Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia / 

Malaysian Defense University (UPNM) 

Dr. Siti Hajar Adam

iOER Project (Updated) by Dr Siti Hajar Adam-The Basic of Autonomic Nervous System 


The Basic of Autonomic Nervous System


End User

Medical students

Basic Medical Sciences Student

Students who are having disabilities ( hearing, speech, physical, or combination of disabilities)


Type of iOER:






Accessibility consideration:

The accessibility features that were considered while developing the resources include appropriate Slide title, font size, Alternative text, Text colour,  simple structured table, and screen reader navigation.



Lesson learnt: 

Prioritize inclusion and accesibility especially when it comes to teaching and learning



Sharing IOER

 Link to iOER: 


Topic: The Basic of Autonomic Nervous System

End User

Medical students

Basic Medical Sciences Student

Students who are having disabilities ( hearing, speech, physical, or combination of disabilities)


Type of iOER:






Accessibility consideration:

The accessibility features that were considered while developing the resources include appropriate Slide title, font size, Alternative text, Text colour,  simple structured table, and screen reader navigation.



Lesson learnt: 

Prioritize inclusion and accesibility especially when it comes to teaching and learning



Sharing IOER

 Link to iOER: 
