Within the bounds of Creative Commons licensing, 

there are 5 key points to consider when using OERs:

Content can be reused in its unaltered original format

Copies of content can be retained for personal archives or reference

Content can be modified or altered to suit specific needs

Content can be adapted with other similar content to create something new

Content can be shared with anyone else in its original or altered format

OER Benefits

There are many reasons for using OERs in learning and teaching.

For teaching staff, OERs can supplement and add value to existing curriculum resources.

At the same time, it can reduce the cost of education for students (reducing financial stress by removing textbook purchases).

For students, using OERs can expose students to a wider range of digital learning opportunities in the form of open texts, open images, open courseware, and self-assessment tools. Learners can benefit from:

OERs provide: