Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia /

  Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia (UTHM) 

Ts. Dr. Sabariah 

Topic: Groundwater: Take a Glance

Type of iOER

This module was prepared to video with closed captions in website.

Accessibility considerations;

The module is visible in the public domain. All materials are uploaded to YouTube in the website is set as public.


The rationale for iOER;


1.   It is an important general knowledge, which can help in enhancing daily life.

2.   Knowledge is FREE and accessible to everyone.

Lessons learned from this project

1. Sharing knowledge is free for everyone.

 2. Developing it is time and passion in deep.

 3. Focus will produce the best performance.

 4. Nothing makes a person more productive without passion.

 How will you share your iOER

1. Sharing sessions with colleagues

 2. Youtube

 3. Website 

 4. Encourage colleagues to volunteer to guide future iOER developers

URL link to your iOER

OER:  https://oer.uthm.edu.my/resources/groundwater

Video 3M Promo- https://youtu.be/mVjOf3zcu6w

Video Lesson 2- https://youtu.be/5kvM8TLravo

Topic: Groundwater: Take a Glance 

This module was prepared to video with closed captions in website.



Accessibility considerations;


The module is visible in the public domain. All materials are uploaded to YouTube in the website is set as public.



The rationale for iOER;


1.   It is an important general knowledge, which can help in enhancing daily life.

2.   Knowledge is FREE and accessible to everyone.


Lessons learned from this project


1. Sharing knowledge is free for everyone.

 2. Developing it is time and passion in deep.

 3. Focus will produce the best performance.

 4. Nothing makes a person more productive without passion.



 How will you share your iOER


1. Sharing sessions with colleagues

 2. Youtube

 3. Website 

 4. Encourage colleagues to volunteer to guide future iOER developers




URL link to your iOER


OER:  https://oer.uthm.edu.my/resources/groundwater

Video 3M Promo- https://youtu.be/mVjOf3zcu6w

Video Lesson 2- https://youtu.be/5kvM8TLravo


Dr. D'oria Islamiah Rosli

Topic: ICT & Multimedia Application

Type of iOER: Course website, lecture slide, T&L graphics, Video


- Inclusive educators believe in valuing student differences and supporting their learning needs to the greater extent possible (Nicole Eridics)

- Cherish uniqueness and respect differences (D'oria Islamiah Rosli)

Accessibility considerations:

- IOER design focus on minor impairment of visual and auditory signal users

- Full impaired users require someone to assists them before they browse the content

- After they have familiar to control the narrator or magnifier tools, then they can easily access the entire content by their own.

- Most of the colour used in the IOER resources considers colour blind users which grey scale and primary colour used for the content

- Graphics used were named meaningfully with a caption that describe about the image and it’s content

Lessons Learnt:

- More aware about the importance of sharing the information that I develop to be inclusive and for all

- Include universal design elements in developing T&L content and cherish uniqueness among users

- Adopt equality elements in designing and developing T&L content and respect differences

- Most of the colour used in the OER resources considers colour blind users which grey scale and primary colour used for the content

Shared iOER link:


Link to video:


Topic: ICT & Multimedia Application 

Type of iOER: Course website, lecture slide, T&L graphics, Video


- Inclusive educators believe in valuing student differences and supporting their learning needs to the greater extent possible (Nicole Eridics)

- Cherish uniqueness and respect differences (D'oria Islamiah Rosli)

Accessibility considerations:

- IOER design focus on minor impairment of visual and auditory signal users

- Full impaired users require someone to assists them before they browse the content

- After they have familiar to control the narrator or magnifier tools, then they can easily access the entire content by their own.

- Most of the colour used in the IOER resources considers colour blind users which grey scale and primary colour used for the content

- Graphics used were named meaningfully with a caption that describe about the image and it’s content

Lessons Learnt:

- More aware about the importance of sharing the information that I develop to be inclusive and for all

- Include universal design elements in developing T&L content and cherish uniqueness among users

- Adopt equality elements in designing and developing T&L content and respect differences

- Most of the colour used in the OER resources considers colour blind users which grey scale and primary colour used for the content

Shared iOER link:


Link to video:
