Universiti Putra Malaysia /
University of Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Dr. Siti Khadijah Adam
Topic: Mechanism of drug action: Agonist and antagonist
Type of iOER: video with closed captions, images and PDF files
Rationale: An essential knowledge of basic Pharmacology for medical and health sciences students
Accessibility considerations: Background colours, font size, the clarity of the images and sound, byte-sized video
Lessons learnt: Developing inclusive and accessible materials are not easy, but practice makes perfect!
URL link to iOER: http://putraoer.upm.edu.my/40/
Topic: Mechanism of drug action: Agonist and antagonist
Type of iOER: video with closed captions, images and PDF files
Rationale: An essential knowledge of basic Pharmacology for medical and health sciences students
Accessibility considerations: Background colours, font size, the clarity of the images and sound, byte-sized video
Lessons learnt: Developing inclusive and accessible materials are not easy, but practice makes perfect!
URL link to iOER: http://putraoer.upm.edu.my/40/
Nurul Amelina Nasharuddin
Chatbot 101: An Introduction to Chatbot Technology
Type of iOER
Webpage (with infographics)
Anybody who wants to learn the basics of the chatbot technology before actually building it
Rationale of Developing Content as iOER
To enable all learners, particularly those with disabilities, to learn according to their individual learning styles and preferences.
Accessibility Considerations
The layout of the content
Headings and structure
Provide alt texts and captions
Use descriptive link text
Readable and accessible fonts and colours
Run the webpage through the WebAIM Wave checker
Lessons Learnt from this Project
I gained a lot of knowledge regarding accessibility and openness in educational resources as a result of this assignment. I tend to generalise, which makes the materials seem weaker and not as impactful. This initiative has opened my eyes and my mind. In this way, I have to constantly check to see if the educational resources I'm making, adapting, or repurposing adheres to the inclusive and equitable nature of OER for all learners, regardless of, age, gender, physical ability, socioeconomic status, or those who are vulnerable.
Sharing iOER
At UPM, we have started the development of iOER guidelines to be used as a basis by the Faculty, School, or Institute in designing and building their respective iOER teaching and learning materials. As one of the members of the development task force, I am sharing the knowledge and experiences that I get during the development of my iOER materials. Knowledge-sharing sessions can also be conducted to create a space for open communication about the iOER advantages and best practices to collectively raise the skills and wisdom among my colleagues.
URL Link to my iOER
Topic: Chatbot 101: An Introduction to Chatbot Technology
Type of iOER
Webpage (with infographics)
Anybody who wants to learn the basics of the chatbot technology before actually building it
Rationale of Developing Content as iOER
To enable all learners, particularly those with disabilities, to learn according to their individual learning styles and preferences.
Accessibility Considerations
The layout of the content
Headings and structure
Provide alt texts and captions
Use descriptive link text
Readable and accessible fonts and colours
Run the webpage through the WebAIM Wave checker
Lessons Learnt from this Project
I gained a lot of knowledge regarding accessibility and openness in educational resources as a result of this assignment. I tend to generalise, which makes the materials seem weaker and not as impactful. This initiative has opened my eyes and my mind. In this way, I have to constantly check to see if the educational resources I'm making, adapting, or repurposing adheres to the inclusive and equitable nature of OER for all learners, regardless of, age, gender, physical ability, socioeconomic status, or those who are vulnerable.
Sharing iOER
At UPM, we have started the development of iOER guidelines to be used as a basis by the Faculty, School, or Institute in designing and building their respective iOER teaching and learning materials. As one of the members of the development task force, I am sharing the knowledge and experiences that I get during the development of my iOER materials. Knowledge-sharing sessions can also be conducted to create a space for open communication about the iOER advantages and best practices to collectively raise the skills and wisdom among my colleagues.
URL Link to my iOER
Dr. Wan Arnidawati Wan Abdullah
Case Study: Job Aspiration and Job Satisfaction
Students of FEM3104, Bachelor of Human Development Science UPM and other students in Social Studies
Type of iOER
Powerpoint Video with closed captions
Rationale of developing content as iOER
The skills to understand and discuss a case study are important for students in social studies as they learn about theories related to human behaviours. Using case studies in teaching is significant to allow students to relate those theories with the actual situations.
Accessibility considerations
The video is uploaded to YouTube and the visibility is set as public. The subtitle or closed captions are also added to the video to cater to people with hearing disabilities. The black box with white font is set for close captions to ease the reading. Moreover, the slides are not condensed with wordy text and to ensure better understanding for those who have problems with mental processing, the lecture is set to have a reasonable pace.
Lessons learnt from this project
IOER is important to uphold the slogan of ‘Education for All’. While disability spectrum is wide, many considerations should be taken into account to ensure accessibility in education. With just a simple act of putting extra effort into our everyday tasks, we could fulfil the need of other people.
How will you share your iOER
Physical and/or online sharing sessions may be conducted to share about iOER with my colleagues. A workshop also may be organised to allow more practical training in creating IOER contents.
URL link to your iOER
Topic: Case Study: Job Aspiration and Job Satisfaction
Students of FEM3104, Bachelor of Human Development Science UPM and other students in Social Studies
Type of iOER
Powerpoint Video with closed captions
Rationale of developing content as iOER
The skills to understand and discuss a case study are important for students in social studies as they learn about theories related to human behaviours. Using case studies in teaching is significant to allow students to relate those theories with the actual situations.
Accessibility considerations
The video is uploaded to YouTube and the visibility is set as public. The subtitle or closed captions are also added to the video to cater to people with hearing disabilities. The black box with white font is set for close captions to ease the reading. Moreover, the slides are not condensed with wordy text and to ensure better understanding for those who have problems with mental processing, the lecture is set to have a reasonable pace.
Lessons learnt from this project
IOER is important to uphold the slogan of ‘Education for All’. While disability spectrum is wide, many considerations should be taken into account to ensure accessibility in education. With just a simple act of putting extra effort into our everyday tasks, we could fulfil the need of other people.
How will you share your iOER
Physical and/or online sharing sessions may be conducted to share about iOER with my colleagues. A workshop also may be organised to allow more practical training in creating IOER contents.
URL link to your iOER