Universiti Malaysia Sabah / 

University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 

Dr. Norhuda Salleh, Dr. Mahadirin Ahmad & Dr. Zaiton Mohamad

Topic: Structure of Feature Writing

Types of iOER: PowerPoint

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/F6QyGDXlwB8

Link pdf: STRUCTURE OF FEATURE WRITING- Preview (ums.edu.my) 

Eugenia Ida Edward, Chelster Sherralyn J. Pudin, Bernadette Tobi, Priscilla Shak

Topic: (Lesson Plan Material) The Opportunities You Have, The Success You Get

Members/ Authors: Eugenia Ida Edward, Chelster Sherralyn J. Pudin, Bernadette Tobi, Priscilla Shak

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/9atLCG1J2WY 

iOER material link:  https://oer.ums.edu.my/handle/oer_source_files/1947 

Dr. Intan Soliha Ibrahim & Salmie Jemon @ Suhaina

Topic: Radio History & Characteristics.

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/F_GPsIfpDTo 

iOER material link: https://oer.ums.edu.my/handle/oer_source_files/1960  

Introduction: Explore the dynamic world of Radio Production through our engaging and educational content designed for Communications students and adults eager to delve into the intricacies of radio broadcasting.

Type of iOER: Microsoft PowerPoint slides and audio with closed caption

Accessibility considerations: PowerPoint slides feature accessibility enhancements to ensure an inclusive learning experience. This includes alt text for images, clear and legible font styles and sizes, structured slide layouts for seamless navigation and closed captions for audio to ensure that every learner, regardless of ability, can access and benefit from the materials. 

Lesson learned: Clarity and user-friendly design are crucial for making educational material accessible to all.