Universiti Malaysia Perlis /
University of Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP)
Nur Liza Rahim
Topic: Moment Distribution Method
End users: Civil Engineering Students; Students who are having a hearing disability, speech disability, physical disability, learning difficulties, or multiple disabilities with any combination of the above mentioned.
Type of iOER: Power Point Slide Presentation
Rationale: Enables students more easily to learn, enjoy and understand better and to increase access and support quality for teaching & learning that fits and can be adapted to everyone’s unique needs with no or minimal barriers.
Accessibility Consideration: Slide Title, Alternative Text, Reading Order, Text Colours, Table has a simple structure and Sections have meaningful names.
Lesson Learnt from this project: Need to build capacity among the academics, learners and non-academics to utilize and optimize iOER appropriately in professional engagements.
Sharing iOER: Organize a simple webinar focusing on the student's disabilities and what IOER is, publishing the IOER on the university's or faculty's website and organize a workshop on Assistive Technologies and accessibility checkers.
Link to the iOER: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YmrFycm5uo48hUJAVg_zd41vnBbHRc7o/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104388010516413175163&rtpof=true&sd=true
Topic: Moment Distribution Method
Topic: Moment Distribution Method
End users: Civil Engineering Students; Students who are having a hearing disability, speech disability, physical disability, learning difficulties, or multiple disabilities with any combination of the above mentioned.
Type of iOER: Power Point Slide Presentation
Rationale: Enables students more easily to learn, enjoy and understand better and to increase access and support quality for teaching & learning that fits and can be adapted to everyone’s unique needs with no or minimal barriers.
Accessibility Consideration: Slide Title, Alternative Text, Reading Order, Text Colours, Table has a simple structure and Sections have meaningful names.
Lesson Learnt from this project: Need to build capacity among the academics, learners and non-academics to utilize and optimize iOER appropriately in professional engagements.
Sharing iOER: Organize a simple webinar focusing on the student's disabilities and what IOER is, publishing the IOER on the university's or faculty's website and organize a workshop on Assistive Technologies and accessibility checkers.
Link to the iOER: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YmrFycm5uo48hUJAVg_zd41vnBbHRc7o/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104388010516413175163&rtpof=true&sd=true